Friday, May 17, 2013

Every Single Day...

It's almost the end of another work day. I anxiously watch the clock's every movement 'til it strikes 6.

I hastily grab my things and scramble to pack it all together as quickly as I can.

I can't wait to look into those bright, round eyes as I hold you in my arms.

I can't wait to ask you, "How was your day, love? What did you do? Did you have fun? I love you, sweetheart!"

I can't wait to hear those sweet tiny endless giggles.
To see that heart-melting grin, with you beaming out with those two tiny teeth.

I can't wait to tell you stories of wonder.
How I long to tell you all the things I know and love.
How I long to tell you about my dreams and hopes.
How I long to tell you stories of my adventures & things & places I want to go to with you.

I long for your tiny little hands clasped around mine.
Those adorable smiles and tiny peeks you take while you feed.
How I love the way you would look up to me and smile.

I can't wait to hold you in my arms.

To have you on my chest, peacefully sleeping as we dream together.

Mommy's coming home, sweetheart.


  1. I applaud you for still working! I was too weak to leave Rain while she was still a baby. I guess because first baby hehe. And good thing nalang my work was home-based.

    So kudos to you for being a strong mom! :-)

    1. Thank you for the sweet words, Rina!

      Nako, mornings are the toughest. It's so hard to leave him. There are times when I'd cry on my way to work.

      Separation anxiety!


Thanks for dropping by! I love hearing about you and your thoughts. I will get back to you as soon as I can, and will try to address your concerns the best way I can. Have a Happy Mommy Day! ❤

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