Tuesday, October 2, 2012

A Second Chance in Life and a Second Life

Tonight I stumbled on this question on Second Chances. I was asked what my best second chance in life was. All I could ever think of was my little sunshine, the best part of my life! Sharing the gift of life with another little person is such an amazing and blessed experience. This month, I'll be giving birth to the adorable little man that I have been growing in my tummy for almost 9 months now!

You, my little man, the one who's been kicking mommy and been giving mommy such a fun time eating all those yummies we've had, is truly the best second chance in life and of life that I have. Nothing can ever compare to the happiness and love you have given mommy and everyone around us. We feel more than blessed and grateful to share our life with you. You have given everyone around you so much more to look forward to and so much meaning in life. You have not only given me a second chance and a second life, but everyone around us as well.  The impact you have on everyone is just so great and wonderful. Everyone is just so excited to meet you. Gosh, mommy and daddy are going to have a hard time spending alone time with you!

On our first ultrasound scan, I had no idea what you looked and are like. But when I saw your tiny little heart, beating hard and strong, my heart was just over-filled with so much gratitude and love. I was overwhelmed with tears of happiness and all my anxieties went away. From that day on, I promised I will do everything and work very hard to be the best mom for you. All I ask for is that you grow a heart that is as big as it is strong.

My dear sunshine, you may not realize it yet, but you are so full of blessings and love from everyone around us. Daddy and I have been working very hard this year to provide you with a good life, from the time you were just a teenie weenie little bean in mommy's tummy, until you grow up like mommy and daddy. You have taught us to savor every second of life more, to live and love everyday as if it's our last, to grab every opportunity that life hands us.

Sweetheart, in just a few weeks we'll be holding and seeing you. God truly does wonders. Until now, I am still in awe of His love for us, that He's blessed us with the most wonderful gift- a second chance in life and a second life.

Dear sunshine, we'll be seeing you soon. We are working very very hard to provide a good home for you. In the last remaining weeks that you'll be staying in mommy's tummy, let's both live in this moment as much as we can. Grow big and strong, my little one.


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Thanks for dropping by! I love hearing about you and your thoughts. I will get back to you as soon as I can, and will try to address your concerns the best way I can. Have a Happy Mommy Day! ❤

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